Experience Ralph F. Earl, President of Ralph F. Earl AssociatesFollowing years of extensive management and hands-on experience in government and the private sector, Ralph formed his security consultancy and management firm. His comprehensive training, knowledge and work experience covers the spectrum of counterterrorism programs, criminal activity and Homeland security issues. He is consultant to and former Director of Corporate Security for SmithKline Beecham, plc, a $16 billion transnational corporation. Ralph developed and directed comprehensive, worldwide programs for the protection of corporations' personnel, facilities, proprietary information and other assets. Examples are: - Planned and designed physical security and technical systems for corporate headquarters, manufacturing and health-care operations, R&D facilities and office buildings in coordination with architectural and construction firms. Directed Department of State Diplomatic Security Programs to improve physical security of existing and planned Embassies and Consulates against terrorist attacks and surreptitious entry.
- Creation and implementation of crisis management programs. Successful solution of plot to counterfeit $600 million of pharmaceutical products.
- Investigation of criminal/terrorist attacks against personnel, products, proprietary information and facilities; development of procedural countermeasures and physical security improvements.
- Development, implementation and presentation of education and training programs on security and violence in the workplace for business managers and professional groups.
As a career diplomatic officer with the Foreign Service, U.S. Department of State, Ralph lived and worked in many countries with conditions of high risk, violence and crime. His assignments included; Chief, Division of Foreign Operations in the Bureau of Diplomatic Security, and Mission Coordinator, Latin America for International Narcotic Matters. He holds the Department of State Meritorious Honor Award, and two medals for civilian service in Vietnam. Ralph attended the U.S. Military Academy, West Point, and graduated from the University of Southern California. He completed graduate studies in Languages and International Affairs at the Foreign Service Institute, Washington D.C